a la clase de español 1!
Every day in class you should write down your
homework in your agenda book. Keep with you the
telephone numbers of two of your classmates, so that you
can call one of them to ask what the homework is -
especially if you are absent. Upon
returning to school from an absence, be sure to see me
to learn what work you need to make up!!
Click HERE to see past
homework assignments.
***OJO*** This website may not be updated daily.
Sitios en Internet
Diccionario -
Caminos Online Resources
Click here: Caminos
For audio
files which correspond with the activites in the
Click on
General Resources in far left hand column.
click on In-text Audio Files.
For online
quizzes and audio flashcards, and lots more:
Click on
Site Map in the far left hand column.
click on the appropriate unidad.
Typing Spanish
Characters and Making Accent Marks
Typing Spanish Characters -
Using MSWord
Newspapers Online
ABC - From Spain
Pulso - From Mexico
Español 1
Course Description
Spanish 1 is an introduction to speaking, listening, writing,
and reading in Spanish, through a variety of communication
activities. The focus is on speaking and
listening. Class will be held in the language lab
periodically throughout the year. Students will be
exposed to the culture of Hispanic peoples. Attempts
will be made to juxtapose course content with the different
themes of the Connections Program via projects and museum
field trips.
Students are expected to arrive to class on time with a blue
or black ink pen or pencil, the text book, the corresponding
work book, their assignment book, a three ring binder and the
completed homework assignment. Class participation is
required. It is expected that students will cover their
text book, respect the classroom property, and will adhere to
school rules and standards of behavior. Students who
arrive to class late without a pass will be assigned a
Homework and Missed Work
Students are given written homework and assignments
regularly. Students will also be expected to
review/study lessons in the book. It is expected that
students will spend approximately one half hour daily on
homework. Make-up work is allowed only in the case of
excused absences and must be submitted within one week.
It is up to the student to contact the teacher about late
assignments and missed tests.
The grade will be determined by the average of tests, quizzes,
projects, homework, language lab assignments and class
participation. Class participation will be evaluated
based on the student’s preparation for class, as detailed
above in the Expectations paragraph.
Contact Information
I can be reached by telephone or by email, although I prefer
617-635-8895 x399